How I work!

  1. Contact me with your info.
    (Character name/species/shading style/Email for invoice)
  2. Wait till I send you a sketch and send an invoice or how to pay.
  3. Approve and pay for art.
  4. Once paid, I’ll work on the art. Art is posted unless asked otherwise.


  • I can post my art to promote my work. If you don’t want me to post it, let me know ahead.
  • You can post the art wherever you like, just credit/link back to me!
  • You get three (3) rounds of tweaks. Give them all at once instead of one after another. Doing them one at a time takes longer and stresses me out. Any more beyond that will cost extra on your commission or your commission could be dropped.
  • You get one (1) full redraw sketch if you don’t like the first one. If you have me start all over beyond the first one, It will cost extra. What counts as full redraws? Full body positions or rotations.
  • If you take the sketch and you, a friend, or AI finish the art without paying me. I will block you from ever ordering from me again for wasting my time.
  • I’m not responsible for keeping the art if you lose it. I do keep files but sometimes they get lost or messed up.
  • I have the right to decline any order at any time if I don’t feel right about making the art or working with you.
  • Artworks with multiple characters for NSFW. I’ll need to know if you own the characters or if the other people are ok with being in the art. I may ask the character’s owner or investigate to see if you own the characters if I suspect false usage.
  • None of my art may be used for AI training. None of my sketches may be used for AI. Do not show me AI images. I do not like AI generation. If you have any worry that MY work is AI, please check out my YouTube or Twitch where you can watch me draw, I do not use AI in my work.

DOs & DON’Ts

💖 Would love to draw:
Guys, Kingdom Hearts, Final Fantasy, Genshin Impact, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, neon or rainbow colors, boys love, mermen, aquatic creatures, dragons, birds

Can draw:
Humans, furries, animals, fantasy creatures, LGBTQ+, fan art, all kinds of body shapes/sizes, NSFW, robotic/mech, armor, most things.

NEOPETS: Because I’m working on becoming part of the Neopets artist program, I am not doing NSFW or fetish themed Neopets art. Only SFW art for Neopets.

Might draw:
Blood – I can draw blood but nothing over the top and no guts.
Babies/kids – No fetish side.
Paril – I don’t really like drawing paril, but I might do some lighter things.
Bondage/tied up – I don’t want them to look sad or tortured.
Fat – I can draw heavy people, insanely obese.

Will Not Draw:
Shota, diapers, LittleFurs, pedophilia, bestiality, inflation, weight gain, domination, torture, kidnap, vore, body waste, drugs, hate art

– Please do not ask why I don’t draw ___ thing. I just don’t want to.
– If you ask and I say no, I won’t think poorly about you. I don’t judge people on kinks.